Model Structures

The list of relevant structures used in this package are listed below:


The EnergyProblem structure is a wrapper around various other relevant structures. It hides the complexity behind the energy problem, making the usage more friendly, although more verbose.


  • db_connection: A DuckDB connection to the input tables in the model.
  • variables: A dictionary of TulipaVariables containing the variables of the model.
  • expressions: A dictionary of TulipaExpressions containing the expressions of the model attached to tables.
  • constraints: A dictionary of TulipaConstraints containing the constraints of the model.
  • profiles: Holds the profiles per rep_period or over_clustered_year in dictionary format. See ProfileLookup.
  • model_parameters: A ModelParameters structure to store all the parameters that are exclusive of the model.
  • model: A JuMP.Model object representing the optimization model.
  • solved: A boolean indicating whether the model has been solved or not.
  • objective_value: The objective value of the solved problem (Float64).
  • termination_status: The termination status of the optimization model.


The EnergyProblem can also be constructed using the minimal constructor below.

  • EnergyProblem(connection): Constructs a new EnergyProblem object with the given connection that has been created and the data loaded into it using TulipaIO.

See the basic example tutorial to see how these can be used.


This structure holds all the information of a given asset. These are stored inside the Graph. Given a graph graph, an asset a can be accessed through graph[a].


This structure holds all the information of a given flow. These are stored inside the Graph. Given a graph graph, a flow from asset u to asset v can be accessed through graph[u, v].


The timeframe is the total period we want to analyze with the model. Usually this is a year, but it can be any length of time. A timeframe has two fields:

  • num_periods: The timeframe is defined by a certain number of periods. For instance, a year can be defined by 365 periods, each describing a day.
  • map_periods_to_rp: Indicates the periods of the timeframe that map into a representative period and the weight of the representative period to construct that period.

Representative Periods

The timeframe (e.g., a full year) is described by a selection of representative periods, for instance, days or weeks, that nicely summarize other similar periods. For example, we could model the year into 3 days, by clustering all days of the year into 3 representative days. Each one of these days is called a representative period. TulipaEnergyModel.jl has the flexibility to consider representative periods of different lengths for the same timeframe (e.g., a year can be represented by a set of 4 days and 2 weeks). To obtain the representative periods, we recommend using TulipaClustering.

A representative period has three fields:

  • weight: Indicates how many representative periods are contained in the timeframe; this is inferred automatically from map_periods_to_rp in the timeframe.
  • timesteps: The number of timesteps blocks in the representative period.
  • resolution: The duration in time of each timestep.

The number of timesteps and resolution work together to define the coarseness of the period. Nothing is defined outside of these timesteps; for instance, if the representative period represents a day and you want to specify a variable or constraint with a coarseness of 30 minutes. You need to define the number of timesteps to 48 and the resolution to 0.5.

Time Blocks

A time block is a range for which a variable or constraint is defined. It is a range of numbers, i.e., all integer numbers inside an interval. Time blocks are used for the periods in the timeframe and the timesteps in the representative period. Time blocks are disjunct (not overlapping), but do not have to be sequential.