Developer Documentation
Welcome to TulipaEnergyModel.jl developer documentation. Here is how you can contribute to our Julia-based toolkit for modeling and optimization of electric energy systems.
- Developer Documentation
Before You Begin
Before you can start contributing, please read our Contributing Guidelines.
Also make sure that you have installed the required software, and that it is properly configured. You only need to do this once.
Installing Software
To contribute to TulipaEnergyModel.jl, you need the following:
Julia programming language.
Git for version control.
VSCode or any other editor. For VSCode, we recommend to install a few extensions. You can do it by pressing
Ctrl + Shift + X
(or⇧ + ⌘ + X
on MacOS) and searching by the extension name. - Julia for Visual Studio Code; - Git Graph.EditorConfig for consistent code formatting. In VSCode, it is available as an extension.
pre-commit to run the linters and formatters.
You can install
globally usingpip install --user pre-commit
If you prefer to create a local environment with it, do the following:
python -m venv env . env/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip setuptools pre-commit
On Windows, you need to activate the environment using the following command instead of the previous one:
Note that there is no leading dot (
) in the above command.JuliaFormatter.jl for code formatting.
To install it, open Julia REPL, for example, by typing in the command line:
must be part of your environment variables to call it from the command line.Then press <kbd>]</kbd> to enter the package mode. In the package mode, enter the following:
pkg> activate pkg> add JuliaFormatter
In VSCode, you can activate "Format on Save" for
. To do so, open VSCode Settings (<kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>,</kbd>), then in "Search Settings", type "Format on Save" and tick the first result:Prettier for markdown formatting. In VSCode, it is available as an extension.
Having enabled "Format on Save" for
in the previous step will also enable "Format on Save" forPrettier
, provided thatPrettier
is set as the default formatter for markdown files. To do so, in VSCode, open any markdown file, right-click on any area of the file, choose "Format Document With...", click "Configure Default Formatter..." situated at the bottom of the drop-list list at the top of the screen, and then choosePrettier - Code formatter
as the default formatter. Once you are done, you can double-check it by again right-clicking on any area of the file and choosing "Format Document With...", and you should seePrettier - Code formatter (default)
.LocalCoverage for coverage testing. You can install it the same way you installed
, that is, by opening Julia REPL in the package mode and typing:pkg> activate pkg> add LocalCoverage
Forking the Repository
Any changes should be done in a fork. You can fork this repository directly on GitHub:
After that, clone your fork and add this repository as upstream:
git clone # use the fork URL
git remote add upstream # use the original repository URL
Check that your origin and upstream are correct:
git remote -v
You should see something similar to:
If your names are wrong, use this command (with the relevant names) to correct it:
git remote set-url [name] [url]
Configuring Git
Because operating systems use different line endings for text files, you need to configure Git to ensure code consistency across different platforms. You can do this with the following commands:
cd /path/to/TulipaEnergyModel.jl
git config --unset core.autocrlf # disable autocrlf in the EnergyModel repo
git config --global core.autocrlf false # explicitly disable autocrlf globally
git config --global --unset core.eol # disable explicit file-ending globally
git config core.eol lf # set Linux style file-endings in EnergyModel
Activating and Testing the Package
Start Julia REPL either via the command line or in the editor.
In the terminal, do:
cd /path/to/TulipaEnergyModel.jl # change the working directory to the repo directory if needed
julia # start Julia REPL
In VSCode, first open your cloned fork as a new project. Then open the command palette with <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>Shift</kbd> + <kbd>P</kbd> (or <kbd>⇧</kbd> + <kbd>⌘</kbd> + <kbd>P</kbd> on MacOS) and use the command called Julia: Start REPL
In Julia REPL, enter the package mode by pressing <kbd>]</kbd>.
In the package mode, first activate and instantiate the project, then run the tests to ensure that everything is working as expected:
pkg> activate . # activate the project
pkg> instantiate # instantiate to install the required packages
pkg> test # run the tests
Configuring Linting and Formatting
With pre-commit
installed, activate it as a pre-commit hook:
pre-commit install
To run the linting and formatting manually, enter the command below:
pre-commit run -a
Do it once now to make sure that everything works as expected.
Now, you can only commit if all the pre-commit tests pass.
Note: On subsequent occasions when you need to run pre-commit in a new shell, you will need to activate the Python virtual environment. If so, do the following:
. env/bin/activate # for Windows the command is: . env/Scripts/activate pre-commit run -a
Code format and guidelines
This section will list the guidelines for code formatting not enforced by JuliaFormatter. We will try to follow these during development and reviews.
- Naming
for classes and modules,snake_case
for functions and variables, andkebab-case
for file names.
- Use
instead ofimport
, in the following way:- Don't use pure
using Package
, always list all necessary objects withusing Package: A, B, C
. - List obvious objects, e.g.,
using JuMP: @variable
, since@variable
is obviously from JuMP in this context, orusing Graph: SimpleDiGraph
, because it's a constructor with an obvious name. - For other objects inside
, useusing Package: Package
and explicitly callPackage.A
to use it, e.g.,DataFrames.groupby
. - List all
in <src/TulipaEnergyModel.jl>.
- Don't use pure
- Explicitly state what a function will
; if returning nothing, simply usereturn
Contributing Workflow
When the software is installed and configured, and you have forked the TulipaEnergyModel.jl repository, you can start contributing to it.
We use the following workflow for all contributions:
- Make sure that your fork is up to date
- Create a new branch
- Implement the changes
- Run the tests
- Run the linter
- Commit the changes
- Repeat steps 3-6 until all necessary changes are done
- Make sure that your fork is still up to date
- Create a pull request
Below you can find detailed instructions for each step.
1. Make Sure That Your Fork Is Up to Date
Fetch from org remote, fast-forward your local main:
git switch main
git fetch --all --prune
git merge --ff-only upstream/main
Warning: If you have a conflict on your main, it will appear now. You can delete your old
branch usinggit reset --hard upstream/main
2. Create a New Branch
Create a branch to address the issue:
git switch -c <branch_name>
- If there is an associated issue, add the issue number to the branch name, for example,
for issue #123. - If there is no associated issue and the changes are small, add a prefix such as "typo", "hotfix", "small-refactor", according to the type of update.
- If the changes are not small and there is no associated issue, then create the issue first, so we can properly discuss the changes.
Note: Always branch from
, i.e., the main branch of your own fork.
3. Implement the Changes
Implement your changes to address the issue associated with the branch.
4. Run the Tests
In Julia:
TulipaEnergyModel> test
To run the tests with code coverage, you can use the LocalCoverage
julia> using LocalCoverage
# ]
pkg> activate .
# <backspace>
julia> cov = generate_coverage()
This will run the tests, track line coverage and print a report table as output. Note that we want to maintain 100% test coverage. If any file does not show 100% coverage, please add tests to cover the missing lines.
If you are having trouble reaching 100% test coverage, you can set your pull request to 'draft' status and ask for help.
5. Run the Linter
In the bash/git bash terminal, run pre-commit:
. env/bin/activate # if necessary (for Windows the command is: . env/Scripts/activate)
pre-commit run -a
If any of the checks failed, find in the pre-commit log what the issues are and fix them. Then, add them again (git add
), rerun the tests & linter, and commit.
6. Commit the Changes
When the test are passing, commit the changes and push them to the remote repository. Use:
git commit -am "A short but descriptive commit message" # Equivalent to: git commit -a -m "commit msg"
git push -u origin <branch_name>
When writing the commit message:
- use imperative, present tense (Add feature, Fix bug);
- have informative titles;
- if necessary, add a body with details.
Note: Try to create "atomic git commits". Read The Utopic Git History to learn more.
7. Make Sure That Your Fork Is Still Up to Date
If necessary, fetch any main
updates from upstream and rebase your branch into origin/main
. For example, do this if it took some time to resolve the issue you have been working on. If you don't resolve conflicts locally, you will get conflicts in your pull request.
Do the following steps:
git switch main # switch to the main branch
git fetch --all --prune # fetch the updates
git merge --ff-only upstream/main # merge as a fast-forward
git switch <branch_name> # switch back to the issue branch
git rebase main <branch_name> # rebase it
If it says that you have conflicts, resolve them by opening the file(s) and editing them until the code looks correct to you. You can check the changes with:
git diff # Check that changes are correct.
git add <file_name>
git diff --staged # Another way to check changes, i.e., what you will see in the pull request.
Once the conflicts are resolved, commit and push.
git status # Another way to show that all conflicts are fixed.
git rebase --continue
git push --force origin <branch_name>
8. Create a Pull Request
When there are no more conflicts and all the test are passing, create a pull request to merge your remote branch into the org main. You can do this on GitHub by opening the branch in your fork and clicking "Compare & pull request".
Fill in the pull request details:
- Describe the changes.
- List the issue(s) that this pull request closes.
- Fill in the collaboration confirmation.
- (Optional) Choose a reviewer.
- When all of the information is filled in, click "Create pull request".
You pull request will appear in the list of pull requests in the TulipaEnergyModel.jl repository, where you can track the review process.
Sometimes reviewers request changes. After pushing any changes, the pull request will be automatically updated. Do not forget to re-request a review.
Once your reviewer approves the pull request, you need to merge it with the main branch using "Squash and Merge". You can also delete the branch that originated the pull request by clicking the button that appears after the merge. For branches that were pushed to the main repo, it is recommended that you do so.
Building the Documentation Locally
Following the latest suggestions, we recommend using LiveServer
to build the documentation.
Note: Ensure you have the package
installed in your global environment before runningservedocs
Here is how you do it:
- Run
julia --project=docs
in the package root to open Julia in the environment of the docs. - If this is the first time building the docs
- Press
to enterpkg
mode - Run
pkg> dev .
to use the development version of your package - Press backspace to leave
- Press
- Run
julia> using LiveServer
- Run
julia> servedocs(launch_browser=true)
Performance Considerations
If you updated something that might impact the performance of the package, you can run the Benchmark.yml
workflow from your pull request. To do that, add the tag benchmark
in the pull request. This will trigger the workflow and post the results as a comment in you pull request.
Warning: This requires that your branch was pushed to the main repo. If you have created a pull request from a fork, the Benchmark.yml workflow does not work. Instead, close your pull request, push your branch to the main repo, and open a new pull request.
If you want to manually run the benchmarks, you can do the following:
Navigate to the benchmark folder
julia --project=.
mode by pressing]
dev ..
to add the development version of TulipaEnergyModelNow run
include("benchmarks.jl") tune!(SUITE) results = run(SUITE, verbose=true)
Manually running the benchmark across versions
We use the package AirspeedVelocity.jl to run the benchmarks in the CI, but it can also be used to compare explicitly named versions manually.
Run the following to install AirspeedVelocity's commands to your Julia
folder (~/.julia/bin
on MacOS and Linux). On Windows, if you are using the default Julia installation, search forC:/Users/
then the folder of your Windows user and then.julia/bin
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.activate(temp=true); Pkg.add("AirspeedVelocity")'
Check that
was installed:benchpkg --version
If if can't be found, then it is possible that your Julia
folder is not in thePATH
. After fixing this, try again.Then, run
to list the versions to be tested and--bench-on
to indicate with script to use (if necessary). For instance:benchpkg TulipaEnergyModel --rev=v0.12.0,main --bench-on=main
After all logging, the output should look like
| | v0.12.0 | main | v0.12.0/main | |:-------------------------------------|:-------------:|:---------------:|:------------:| | energy_problem/create_model | 25.1 ± 1.2 s | 19.7 ± 1.1 s | 1.27 | | energy_problem/input_and_constructor | 11.2 ± 0.15 s | 8.57 ± 0.064 s | 1.3 | | time_to_load | 1.7 ± 0.022 s | 1.73 ± 0.0055 s | 0.979 |
Be aware that the versions passed in
must be compatible to the benchmark defined atbench-on
. So, for instance, testingv0.10.4
above would fail, before the versions are too different.If you are working on a local version of
, it is possible to test the local modifications. First, make sure that you are at the root of theTulipaEnergyModel
repo, and then issuebenchpkg --rev=<other>,dirty
value refers to the current local modifications. The<other>
values can be tags or branches to compare.When this is done, you can print just the table afterwards using
:benchpkgtable TulipaEnergyModel --rev=v0.12.0,main ... | | v0.12.0 | main | v0.12.0/main | |:-------------------------------------|:-------------:|:---------------:|:------------:| | energy_problem/create_model | 25.1 ± 1.2 s | 19.7 ± 1.1 s | 1.27 | | energy_problem/input_and_constructor | 11.2 ± 0.15 s | 8.57 ± 0.064 s | 1.3 | | time_to_load | 1.7 ± 0.022 s | 1.73 ± 0.0055 s | 0.979 |
It is also possible to generate a plot, using
:benchpkgplot TulipaEnergyModel --rev=v0.12.0,main --format=jpeg
Different formats can be used. Here is the output:
To profile the code in a more manual way, here are some tips:
- Wrap your code into functions.
- Call the function once to precompile it. This must be done after every change to the function.
- Prefix the function call with
. This is the most basic timing, part of Julia. - Prefix the function call with
. This is part of the BenchmarkTools package, which you might need to install.@btime
will evaluate the function a few times to give a better estimate. - Prefix the function call with
. Also part of BenchmarkTools. This will produce a nice histogram of the times and give more information.@btime
do the same thing in the background. - Call
. This needs to be done in VSCode, or using the ProfileView package. This will create a flame graph, where each function call is a block. The size of the block is proportional to the aggregate time it takes to run. The blocks below a block are functions called inside the function above.
See the file <benchmark/profiling.jl> for an example of profiling code.
Procedure for Releasing a New Version (Julia Registry)
When publishing a new version of the model to the Julia Registry, follow this procedure:
Note: To be able to register, you need to be a member of the organisation TulipaEnergy and have your visibility set to public:<br> >
Click on the
file on GitHub.Edit the file and change the version number according to semantic versioning: Major.Minor.Patch<br>
Commit the changes in a new branch and open a pull request. Change the commit message according to the version number.<br>
Create the pull request and squash & merge it after the review and testing process. Delete the branch after the squash and merge.<br>
Go to the main page of repo and click in the commit.<br>
Add the following comment to the commit:
@JuliaRegistrator register
<br>The bot should start the registration process.<br>
After approval, the bot will take care of the PR at the Julia Registry and automatically create the release for the new version.<br>
Thank you for helping make frequent releases!
Adding a Package to the TulipaEnergy Organisation
To get started creating a new (Julia) package that will live in the TulipaEnergy organisation and interact with TulipaEnergyModel, please start by using BestieTemplate.jl, and follow the steps in their Full guide for a new package.
This will set up the majority of automation and workflows we use and make your repo consistent with the others!
Note: TulipaEnergyModel.jl is the core repo of the organisation. The Discussions are focused there and in some cases the documentation of other packages should forward to the TulipaEnergyModel docs to avoid duplicate or scattered information.